Friday, November 2, 2012

First Post in November

First post In November (⌒▽⌒)
Helloo.. Finally October was end.. And I missed my halloween looks.!! Because I was forget about the date.. I thought it's still 30 October and I will do halloween looks the next day, but it was already 31 October.. \(!!˚☐˚)/ \(˚☐˚!!)/
So poor me T_T

Oke forget it.. Today I want to share you about my another hobby.. Baking.. Yea, I love baking.. I love make same cookies, cake and cupcake.. :D
I'm still amateur.. But, I will keep trying and learning make something new.. \(´▽`)/
Yesterday I made this because I have a free time and I still have the ingredients.. Though I'm lack the butter..
And this is it...... *drum roll 





Chocolate Brownies by me (ʃƪ♥▿♥)

I love adding some choco chips on my brownies.. It's make my brownies more delicious.. *yum :D.. I love chocolate
Maybe It doesn't looks yummy..  But trust me it's taste delicious.. :p *LOL

Oke.. That's all :D

Thankyou for reading ^^


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