Thursday, May 30, 2013

Ngga Takut Panas Lagi dengan Marina UV White Extra SPF 15

Adakah yang merasa matahari semakin panas akhir-akhir ini? Saya salah satunya ! haha
Saya sangat merasa kalau matahari akhir-akhir ini semakin panas, beda banget dengan sewaktu masa saya kecil .. matahari masih bisa diajak kompromi.. >.<
Sedangkan sekarang, matahari sudah ngga bisa di ajak kompromi, lama sedikit di bawah sinar matahari langsung bikin kulit jadi terasa terbakar.. Padahal hampir 90% setiap hari  pasti bertemu dengan yang namanya MATAHARI..

Ngga mungkin juga menghindari matahari, dimana berangkat-pulang kuliah sering waktu matahari masih terik-teriknya.. :(

Bicara soal matahari, sudah pada tau bahayanya kalau sering terkena sinar matahari ?
Selain kukit menjadi lebih gelap, ternyata masih banyak lagi loo bahaya jangka panjang kalau terlalu sering terkena sinar ultraviolet..
Diantaranya mempercepat penuaan kulit, sunburn, dan juga menyebabkan flek hitam di kulit.. 

marina uv white extra SPF 15,sunblock,,bahaya sinar UV,Marina hand & body lotion

Nah ini nih yang saya alami, dari dulu sewaktu kecil sampai awal kuliah, saya paling malas yang namanya pakai jaket.. Padahal pulang sekolah setiap hari naik kendaraan dan di waktu siang bolong.. Di tambah lagi, waktu itu masih kurang peduli dengan kesehatan kulit dan ngga pakai sunblock ataupun lotion.. Alhasil bisa dilihat sendiri, muncul banyak flek kecoklatan di tangan saya T__T
Kalau sudah keluar flek gini, bakal susah untuk menghilangkannya, jadi sebelum terlambat, perhatikan kesehatan kulitmu yah ^^

Friday, May 24, 2013

Rose Nails Idea

Who doesn't love flowers? I love flowers as well, especially rose !
Today, I just want to share some rose nail art that I found on pinterest and Goggle..

Enjoy and get inspired !

rose nail art ideas, rose nail,

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

May Lolabox :: Hello Sunshine !

lolabox, lolabox may box, beauty box indonesia,

Yay ! It's May and welcome to my Lolabox May Edition ^^

I got this package last Saturday when it's rain heavily.. *o*
Do you curious what I got in this cheerful Orange box? Keep reading please 

lolabox, lolabox may box, beauty box indonesia,

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

NOTD :: Ms. Owl in Spring

ms owl in spring nail art, owl nail art, polkadot nail art, pink gold nail art, simple nail art, spring nail art,

My new simple nail art and colorful.. I use nail polish from Etude House Ice cream nails, you can check my previous post to read my review about the nail polish..

I also add some gold bling to make my nails looks more sweet and elegant.. I'm using KKcenterHk Circle nail Gold.. Just click if you want to read my review too :D

And here is my simple nail art ^^

♥ Ms. Owl in Spring 

Product Review :: KKcenterHk Circle Nail Glitter Gold

KKcenterhk circle nail glitters, glitter nail decoration,, kkcenterhk

Hei Hei.. Finally my third post this month.. I'm still not on my mood of blogging.. Forgive me xD ~~ haha

Today I wanna post review KKCenterHk N.Nail 2.5mm Circle Glitter Gold.. Actually I choose the purple indigo color, but I don't know why I received the different color..

KKcenterhk circle nail glitters, glitter nail decoration,, kkcenterhk

The bottle was made from plastic an it contains 10g glitters.. You will get so ~~~ many glitters on your hand.. :D

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Product Review :: Etude House Ice Cream Nails

Happy Tuesday !! ^^.. Another Etude House review today :) 
I'm addicted with nail polishes.. I love to change my polish every 2 weeks, and I love make some simple nail art 

So, today I want to share you my new babies Etude House Ice cream Nails.. 
As the name is Ice Cream, the packaging is totally looks like an Ice Cream.. Yummy :p
Btw, I bought this at Chibi's Etude House Korea when they have promo.. 

Etude House review, Etude House Ice cream nails review, Ice cream nails OR202,Ice cream nails PK001,Ice cream Nails BL601, Ice cream nails swatch,

So there are mine.. Ice cream Nails PK001, BL601 and OR202 

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